
4月26日星期五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

The Pennsylvania 疼痛与成瘾峰会, now in its sixth year, brings professionals together for a day of sharing expertise and learning from each other about opportunities 探讨疼痛与物质使用障碍的治疗.

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Jean Bennett,博士,男同性恋,MSN, BSN

Jean Bennett,博士,男同性恋,MSN, BSN is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 地区al Director for 地区 3 (PA, DE, MD, Dc, va, wv.

Dr. Bennett’s portfolio spans SAMHSA’s wide array of behavioral health continuum priorities. Dr. Bennett consults with state officials and other stakeholders to promote the use of SAMHSA funded grants, technical assistance, training and other resources. 地区 3’s most pressing recent focus areas have been Xylazine, expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder, expanding access to MOUD treatment for individuals in state 惩教设施,孕妇和育儿人员. 减少危害及 Naloxone saturation, 988-associated crisis systems of care, prevention, and recovery data, peers and Medicaid are each separate learning collaboratives or have been summits 主题. Elevating policy issues by learning from the field is a key priority in 地区 3.

Dr. Bennett has also served as the Senior Advisor to the HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration, in Public Health Preparedness and Response roles with HHS, the Veterans 旧金山的行政部门和波士顿儿童医院. Jean退休了。 Navy Nurse Corps Captain after assignments in pediatric, ICU, surgical, medical-oncology, mental health and outpatient settings, and spent 10 years in medical recruiting. Dr. Bennett has four degrees including a PhD in organization and management and has co-authored recent articles on “The Federal Response to the Opioid Crisis,” and “Integrating Evidence-Based 疼痛和阿片类药物进入医学院教育指南.”


The theme of the 2024 Pennsylvania 疼痛与成瘾峰会 is “Access to Care” with 强调对病人的整体治疗. 在这一整天的会议中, medical, legal, and law enforcement professionals will discuss the current state of the opioid crisis, share methodology and inter-professional approaches to deal with critical issues, and identify opportunities to approach the treatment of pain and 药物滥用. 将提供继续教育时间.

  • 日期: 4月26日星期五
  • 位置: 澳门赌场在线娱乐, Stark Learning Center (parking on the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 campus, 详细信息将在活动临近时通过电子邮件发送)
  • 成本: 全天$130(6小时),半天$75(3小时)


  • 上午7-8点-注册 & 早餐
  • 8-9 a.m. -专题讨论《澳门赌场在线娱乐》纪录片
    • Captured at a pivotal “nothing to lose” moment over the course of a year, Our American Family is a radically honest portrait of five family members grappling with the legacy of generational addiction as they fight to heal resentments and pull each other out 最深的深处.
    • 小组发言人:布莱恩和琳达,纪录片中的父母
    • Moderated by Tonyehn Verkitus, Executive Director of the Northeast Counties Medical 社会
  • 9-9:15 a.m. - - - - - -休息
  • 9:15-10:15 a.m. -分组讨论
    • 是玩耍的时间了! 阿片类药物使用障碍危险- Maria Foy, PharmD & 坦尼娅J. Uritsky, 药D, CPE
    • Going Beyond Brick and Mortar—Breaking Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment ——菲利普·摩尔博士.O.安德鲁·施密特,LCSW
    • 尿液药物筛选成瘾专业人士-唐娜·埃吉特,做
  • 10:15-10:30 a.m. - - - - - -休息
  • 10:30-11:30 a.m. -分组讨论
    • Medical Marijuana in Pennsylvania: Evidence and Perspectives of Health Care Providers - Brian Piper,博士,硕士
    • 丁丙诺啡治疗疼痛-多米尼克·特朗贝塔,制药公司.D, bcps, BCGP
    • 确认跨性别群体的医疗护理-科琳·古德温
  • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. -午餐及主题演讲(不安排行政长官)
    • Jean Bennett,博士,男同性恋,MSN, BSN   地区al Director, SAMHSA 地区 3 (PA, DE, MD, Dc, va, wv
    • SAMHSA’s priorities, initiatives, grants and resources which assist educators, students, providers, and other stakeholders will be highlighted and illustrated with relatable 本地及地区轶事. 提供者倡导扩大获得药物的途径 for opioid use disorder and other treatment for all individuals seeking recovery will 成为这个互动环节的另一个焦点. 最近的案例和项目成功案例 will be shared which have resulted from stakeholders’ elevation of access concerns and solution-focused collaborations to inspire participants to creatively address evidence based solutions to improving outcomes for individuals served and the rewards 从事行为健康研究的人.
  • 12:30-12:45 p.m. - - - - - -休息
  • 12:45-1:45 p.m. -分组讨论
    • The Role of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in regulatory oversight and enforcement in those Health Care Providers who have a DEA Registration - James R. 希弗博士,博士. 卡洛斯·阿基诺
    • Interdisciplinary Pain Care at the Wilkes-Barre VAMC – Nicholas Field, PharmD, Stephen Gruver, PharmD, Thomas Hanlon, MD, Neil Shah, PharmD, BCPS
    • Professional Impairment: The Lived Experience of Chemically Dependent Male Nurses - Patricia Dittman,博士,注册会计师,CDE
  • 1:45-2 p.m. - - - - - -休息
  • 2-3 p.m. -分组讨论
    • Examination of Multiple Drug Arrests Reported to the Maine Diversion Alert Program - Maaz Siddiqui, Third Year Medical Student at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
    • Gambling/Gaming Disorders: The Hidden Problem - Jason Harlen, MA and Stefanie Wolownik, MS
    • Opioid Use Disorder: More Than Just an Opioid Issue - Kelvin Lu, PharmD
  • 3-4 p.m. – Fighting to Become Sober –Brian DiMattia, moderated by Bill Corcoran Jr. 从# OnTheStacks
  • Brian DiMattia is an Assistant Instructor and sales rep at Good Tree MMA and is the Creator of popular Facebook Food review page: DiMattia’s Food Fight. 布莱恩将分享 his journey to sobriety and how he turned his life around after being addicted to 各种药物. 当布莱恩发现了对综合格斗和健身的热情,它改变了他 无论是个人生活还是职业生活.
  • 4-5 p.m. -有扬声器的网络接待(没有行政长官)

This program is supported by an educational grant from the Moses Taylor Foundation.


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